Spring I/O


Track1 (Auditorium)

Track 2 (Room 6)

Track 3 (Room 5)

Track 4 (Room 8)




Welcome Session


Keynote - Thinking back, looking forward

Juergen Hoeller, Madhura Bhave, Brian Clozel, Dave Syer


Coffee break

11:00 - 11:50

Implementing DDD with the Spring Ecosystem

Michael Plöd

Making the long road short: How to migrate legacy enterprise Java apps to Spring Boot

Mark Heckler

DevX with Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes

Neven Cvetkovic

Unit and component testing Spring Boot based applications [Workshop]

Peter Szanto

12:00 - 12:50

Spring Framework 5: Feature Highlights & Hidden Gems

Juergen Hoeller

Consumer driven contracts in a polyglot world

Riccardo Lippolis / Jeroen Bruinink

Monitoring Spring Boot Applications with Spring Boot Admin

Johannes Edmeier

Workshop continuation



14:00 - 14:50

Making microservices micro with Istio Service Mesh & Kubernetes

Ray Tsang

Flight of the Flux: A look at Reactor execution model

Simon Basle

Securing Spring applications with Hashicorp Vault

Jan Dittberner

Hands-on securing applications with Spring Security 5.0 [Workshop]

Andreas Falk

15:00 - 15:50

REST beyond the obvious – API design for ever evolving systems

Oliver Gierke

Welcome to JUnit 5

Billy Korando

Making DevSecOps a reality in your Spring applications

Roberto Velasco

Workshop continuation



16:30 - 17:20

What's New in Spring Boot 2.0

Madhura Bhave

Introducing Spring Session 2

Vedran Pavić

Observability with Spring-based distributed systems

Tommy Ludwig

Google Cloud Native with Spring Boot [Workshop]

Ray Tsang

17:30 - 18:20

Bootiful CQRS and Event Sourcing with Axon Framework

Allard Buijze

Under the Hood of Reactive Data Access

Mark Paluch

Dynamic configuration management in microservice architecture with Spring Cloud

Bartłomiej Słota

Workshop continuation




Track 2 (Room 6)

Track 3 (Room 5)

Track 4 (Room 8)

Track 5 (Room 3)

9:00 - 9:50

Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications

Stéphane Nicoll / Brian Clozel

Time to graph up with Spring Data Neo4j

Gerrit Meier

Documenting RESTful APIs with Spring REST Docs and RAML

Mathias Düsterhöft

Monitor Your Spring Boot Application with Logs, Metrics, Pings, and Traces [Workshop]

Philipp Krenn

Testing every level of your spring microservices application [Workshop]

Jeroen Sterken / Kristof Van Sever

10:00 - 10:50

Bootiful Kotlin

Sébastien Deleuze / Josh Long

(Spring)Kafka - one more arsenal in a distributed toolbox

Nakul Mishra

Spring Boot 2 in JHipster

Sendil Kumar

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation


Coffee break

11:30 - 12:20

KubeBoot - Spring Boot deployment on Kubernetes

Alex Soto

Serverless Spring

Dave Syer

Reactor Netty, the default runtime for Spring Boot 2.0

Violeta Georgieva

Cloud Native Java, part deux [Workshop]

Josh Long

Getting started with Kafka Streams in 120 minutes [Workshop]

Jeroen Resoort / Tim te Beek

12:30 - 13:20

Mastering Spring Boot's Actuator

Andy Wilkinson

Just one more thing with Spring in IntelliJ IDEA

Yann Cébron / Stéphane Nicoll

Reactive Frontends with RxJS and Angular

Sergi Almar

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation



14:30 - 15:20

Spring Cloud Stream: Developer Recipes, Tips and Tricks

Oleg Zhurakousky

Fun with the Functional Web Framework

Arjen Poutsma

Machine Learning Exposed: The Fundamentals

James Weaver

Refactoring to a System of Systems [Workshop]

Oliver Gierke

Explore Reactive Programming with Reactor Netty Runtime [Workshop]

Violeta Georgieva

15:30 - 16:20

Micrometer: New insights into your Spring Boot application

Michael Simons

Introducing Spring Cloud Gateway

Spencer Gibb

Asynchronous programming with Kotlin coroutines in Spring

Konrad Kamiński

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation



17:00 - 17:50

Building and running Spring Cloud-based microservices on AWS ECS

Joris Kuipers

Next Generation OAuth Support with Spring Security 5

Joe Grandja

From garage project to the No. 1 Taxi App in Europe

Tim Büthe / Alejandro Peña

Microservices with JHipster [Workshop]

Sendil Kumar

TestContainers - testing with Docker [Workshop]

Sergei Egorov

18:00 - 18:50

Continuous Deployment of Your Application

Marcin Grzejszczak

Testing Your Message-Driven Application

Jakub Pilimon

How to secure your Spring Apps with Keycloak

Thomas Darimont

Workshop continuation

Workshop continuation

19:00 - 19:15
